Hello-o-o-o-o-o :cough: :cough: My goodness, it’s dusty and echo-ey in here.

Happy New Year! :bananadance::bananadance:

Wishing all of you good health, happiness, and success in making all your dreams come true.

It’s that time of year when we all make promises we probably won’t keep 😕 and make plans to change our lives for the better – lose weight, stop smoking, etc. etc.

For me, it’s the usual resolutions – eat healthier, write more and generally live better. I have seriously neglected my blog for quite a while, and I’m going to try to post regularly. This is a hard one, since I don’t have much to say. No kids, no pets to write about. Pretty stable, read boring, life. So I’ll ramble a lot. Stay tuned.

What about you? What resolutions are you making? Are they recycled from last year? And do you think you can stick to them?


2007 — 2 Comments

  1. Happy New Year, Margery!

    My resolutions tend to be recycled from year to year since they are things I need to do. :wall:

    I do hope you post more regularly! I try to blog every day and sometimes it’s hard. You can always write about something you read or saw or even post a link to something interesting you found on the internet. Good luck!