
Isn’t it the best feeling ever to know you have to rip apart your book AGAIN and try to put it back together? :wall: ::she says sarcastically::

I thought I had it. I really did. I was more than half way through the book that’s been requested and I still haven’t finished. I’d be done in two or three weeks. No problem. And then it hit – block:shocked: After stewing about it for days and days, I realized why. I didn’t have my hero’s GMC nailed. Where was his angst, his pain? You guessed it, he didn’t have any. He was too happy, too content with his life. The kiss of death for a romance hero.

So it’s back to the beginning – yet again. Cutting, slashing, revising, more cutting, rewriting. But I will get this right eventually, hopefully in this decade.

Has this happened to you? Have you had to completely trash and rewrite?


Slasher! — 1 Comment

  1. Margery, I’ve had to completely rewrite before. Luckily the finished product didn’t look anything like the original 🙂 It still didn’t sell though 🙁 I know you and your writing. You will make it great.