A brand new blog

Do you know how to build a website? Install WordPress? Promote yourself? No? Then let me point you in the right direction to learn what you need to know to make your website/blog the best it can be.

Two very good friends of mine came up with a great idea 💡 . Suzanne and Kacey have teamed up to start a new blog offering information and instructions (including pictures for those of us who need to be shown, not just told) on setting up a website, blogging tips and strategies to increase traffic, promotion ideas and other business-y topics for anyone in any artistic field.

I don’t know about you, but I can use all the help I can get. Click here to check it out.


A brand new blog — 1 Comment

  1. Thanks Margery! We are looking forward to some fun articles, and yes, I’ll put up lots of pics for my non-techie friends…not naming any names here or anything… :mrgreen: