I is for Inventions

No one will dispute the number of amazing inventions that took place in the 20th century – X-ray machines, electric appliances for the home, and computers, to name a few. But there are some inventions that were just plain … silly.

Silly Putty – a mistake while looking for rubber substitutes, it became a hugely popular toy.

Furby – for people who wanted a pet but not the responsibility. So why not just buy a stuffed animal?

Bedazzler – this gadget made millions, but really, how many jewels can one person wear on their clothes?

Snuggies – the concept is ridiculously simple. Put your long bathrobe on backwards, give it a new name and make millions.

And of course, no list would be complete without the Chia Pet – I still don’t quite understand the logic of this invention. To me, it’s right up there with pet rocks.

Do you have an idea for a new gadget or toy? Patent it. Who knows, you might be the next millionaire.

PS: I’m blogging today at Sweethearts of the West. Drop by and say hello. I’m giving away a PDF copy of one of my western historical romances to one lucky commenter.

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