Pitch report

So I dragged myself out of bed at the crack of dawn to get into the city for the agent/editor panel. It always amazes me how quickly we form first impressions. I won’t name names, but within a few minutes, I knew which agents and which editors were ones I’d be comfortable with, and which I wouldn’t. As they outlined what type of books their agencies were looking for, and what they personally liked, I realized I’d planned to pitch the wrong books. So, I revised my plan.

We were asked to complete a sheet detailing the title of the book we were pitching, word count, etc. and also any other books we’d written.

I discovered the agent I was meeting with preferred serious stories, so instead of pitching the one I originally intended to, I pitched another, but wrote the title of the other book on the sheet. We chatted about the book, she requested a proposal, then asked about the other. I’d put a logline on it that caught her attention. We talked about it, and she suggested I send a proposal to Paige Wheeler. So, two requests!!

For category romance, I’d printed out a few blurbs on a sheet of paper, since I hadn’t decided which one I wanted to pitch. When I spoke with the editor from HQ American, I pitched one book. She requested it, then asked about others. Like the marketing sl*t I am , I whipped out my sheet of blurbs and proceeded to pitch them all. She requested them, but adding that I shouldn’t send them all at once

I guess I’ll be busy for the next little while, and I’ll be racking up the miles to the post office. But I’m not complaining.


Pitch report — 4 Comments

  1. Hi Margery! Love the new website! Looks great! So jealous I don’t live close enough to TO to attend a meeting. Congrats on the request and good luck!