Anna Pavlova I’m not

Doesn’t every little girl at one time or another dream of being a prima ballerina? Even though 99% of the time I was a cowboy hat and holster-toting die-hard tomboy, there was a moment or two – all because I read a biography of ballerina Margot Fonteyn – that I dreamt of gracefully gliding across the floor, pirouetting on my tippy-toes in my little tutu. The fantasy didn’t last long, the call of a game of handball or a tree to climb pushing it to the back of my brain.

To be honest, the thought of spending hours at a ballet performance makes me yawn. Still, I do enjoy watching it for a few minutes, even though I have no idea what story the dancers are trying to tell.

In my quest to do at least one new thing every year, last week I did something I never thought I’d do. I took a beginner ballet class. Not because I thought I’d ever be able to dance like Pavolva or Barishnykov, but more because I thought it might increase my flexibility, since mine seems to have disappeared. I thought it would be fun, and since it was geared to mature :cough: ladies, I thought, how hard can it be?

Man. Ballet. Is. Hard. The instructors make it look simple. First position. Easy, right? Uh … no. My feet don’t go in opposite directions. And getting to fifth position – do they not realize the legs are not made to twist into a pretzel without dislocating something???

Instead of my toes meeting my opposite heels like this:

The closest I got was a little more than T (as in TIME OUT!!)

Plie, battement, glissade. Words I’d never heard before, and movements that were impossible for my body. I could practically hear
my muscles screaming “I don’t think so.” Grace and elegance – not even a tiny bit. We’re talking baby elephant in the room.

The instructor did say I had great balance, but my rondes de jambe a terre needed a little work. Since I had no idea what he was talking about, I wasn’t sure whether to be flattered or insulted

Still, I enjoyed it, and so I’ll go back for more punishment this week, unless my hips are still disjointed from last time.

Have you tried anything new lately?


Anna Pavlova I’m not — 2 Comments

  1. Kudos on trying ballet! At one period of time I was thinking about trying belly-dancing class. Honestly!