The Sunshine State

We made it! After weeks of delays and distractions, we’ve finally reached Florida on Friday. It’s a 24-hour drive from our house to The Villages, and after several stops on the way, we took a break in St. Augustine Beach before the last leg of the trip. The reason was two-fold – hubby is an avid fisherman, so he likes to stop and fish on the pier – fish he can’t catch at home.

It’s amazing to me that there are so many birds on the pier, especially pelicans. These birds are so tame they’re practically house-trained. This photo was taken without even having to use a telephoto lens.

Meanwhile, I had a fabulous visit with an author friend, Amy Atwell, where we had lunch and dished about writing and life, she took me on a tour of her neighborhood, and introduced me to her husband and kitties.

Then it was back in the car to get to our final destination. Let the vacation begin!

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