I’m pleased to welcome Amazon best-selling author E. Ayers to my blog today. Author of the “River City” novels, E. is also one of the authors on the group blog, Authors of Main Street.
E. was born and raised with wealth, but turned her back on all of it and married her prince charming a few days after her eighteenth birthday. Her family disowned her, and her friends were shocked. A firm believer in love conquering everything, she never looked back. The love her husband and she shared became the springboard for her novels.
Fascinated with the way people deal with everyday problems, she has always been an observer and a listener. A simple problem for one person is a mountain for another. She utilizes those common predicaments, which is why her books seem to touch so many lives.
Today, she spends most of her free time writing while living in a pre-Civil War home with her two dogs and a cat. Rattling around in an old money pit gives her muse plenty of freedom. Her idea of a perfect day is to spend it at the keyboard of her computer, coffee in hand, and everything in the house actually working as it should. She’s the official matchmaker for all the characters who wander through her brain, and she likes finding just the right ones to create a story.

Now, here’s E.

Thank you, Margery, for inviting me here. It’s fall in the northern hemisphere, and for many of us that means cooler temps and pretty fall colors. I love decorating the porch, front door, and my mantles with gourds, pumpkins, fall berries, corn, and other fun things. I’m also a sucker for a bowlful of candy corn. As Halloween approaches, it’s fun to tuck in a witch’s hat, some plastic black spiders, or an adorable skeleton.
      They say to write what you know. Sometimes I do. Sometimes things happen which stick with us forever. I’ll never forget the skeleton at my door.
About three days before Halloween, my doorbell rang. Like an idiot, I opened the door without even looking to see who it was. Not that it would have mattered because I had no way of knowing the costumed man at my door. My mouth fell open. It was bitter cold, so I dragged him in, and called up the stairs for my girls to come see him.
The guy was not talking. I’m walking around him. I’m admiring his…costume. Really. The costume. His shoulders were this wide, and his butt was this little, and… He had the leg muscles of a skier and the arms of a tennis player. Oh, yeah. It was the costume I was admiring, definitely the costume! It glowed in the dark. Really, it was the costume. I’d never seen one like it before or since. It fit the man like something worn by an Olympic speed skater. It covered his body, feet, hands, and head, except for his face. That was carefully painted.
I assumed it was my single neighbor. You probably know him, straight out of college, with his first real job – a really nice guy. Of course, I’d never seen him in anything other than a coat and tie. So I make a total fool of myself, and call my girls one more time to come see him.
My oldest walked around him, and I hope she was only admiring the costume because she probably was eleven at the time. My youngest daughter sat on the staircase and stared at the man. Finally she said, “Mom, Roger has brown and this guy’s eyes are blue.”
“You’re not Roger?” My heart fell into my stomach. Who did I just yank into my house?
That incident became the opening of A Skeleton at Her Door. What if? What if the woman who opened the door to a skeleton was divorced with an ex-husband who was abusive? What if the skeleton was a really nice guy who’d been burned by enough women that he’s lost faith in ever finding a woman who could be faithful?
I write sweet romances and I write what I call sensual romances where I don’t close the bedroom door, but if your fourteen year old reads it, you won’t have to explain a thing, although I wouldn’t consider it suggested teen reading. I write for adults. A Skeleton at Her Door is a sensual romance. It’s about trusting, putting the past away, and finding love when it’s least expected. It’s also about blending two households, parenting, three children, and sneaking off for some adult time.
Just for fun, if you email me at e.ayers@ayersbooks.com and put blog in the subject, I’ll enter your name into a drawing for a free ebook of A Skeleton at Her Door.
Am I the only crazy person who would open my door to a skeleton and then pull him into the house? Am I too trusting? Maybe, but I truly believe the vast majority of people are decent and honest. Would you have opened your door to a skeleton and brought him into your home? Leave me a comment, because I love hearing from everyone, and don’t forget to email me for a chance to win a free book.

That’s quite a story, E. Because I trust everyone, I’d probably do the same thing.

A Skeleton at Her Door is available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble and iTunes.

Wanting, the first book in E’s River City series, is available exclusively on Amazon and will be free tomorrow and Friday (October 4 and 5).



Forever, the fourth River City novel, will be available on October 8th.






You can learn more about E. and her books by visiting her website and following her on Facebook and Twitter.

Thanks so much for joining me today, E. Good luck with your new release. I can’t wait to read the series.



  1. Wow E. you’re definitely too trusting although I did the same years ago. A guy knocked at the door. He told me he was from a penitentiary and was selling straw baskets. I bought one. I had to leave him at the door to get the money and the glass of water he asked for. I didn’t want to be rude and closed the door in his face, but later I wondered if it hasn’t been crazy to leave the door open while I went inside.

  2. Hi E~

    I guess I could have done the math and figured out how old you were when you got married, but I had no idea your family didn’t approve! What a love story you two had! 🙂

    Oh, and you already know I think you’re crazy for pulling that guy inside your house–but it’s still a great story! LOL 😉


  3. Hello, MM. I never did know you showed up on my doorstep. It took several weeks before I discovered that a neighbor in the next block had a grown daughter who was dating a guy who might have been my skeleton. 😀

    Oh, Mona, I thought I was bad, but if they tell you that…! Actually, probably half the guys in the pen are there for the stupidest stuff. It’s more a case of what-were-you-thinking? Well, they weren’t.

    Jane, it’s wonderful to see you here. It wasn’t easy to choose between my family and the man I loved. I made the right decision, but I’ll never understand why my family continued to hold it against me even after they realized that I had married a terrific man.

    Glad to add to another book your TBR pile, Susan.

    Thanks for stopping by Margery’s blog.

  4. Thanks, Misha. I really enjoyed writing it. I think our lives are full of little things that we bring into our writing, and it helps to make the story more realistic. (I still can’t believe I yanked a total stranger into my house!)