Guest blog – USA Today best-selling author Karen Rose Smith

c310927a2f660ac1d18814_L__V375329296_SX200_I’m seriously in awe of my guest today, author of 80+ books, USA Today, Borders and Amazon best-selling author Karen Rose Smith.

Karen, thank you so much for visiting with me today. I’m a fan, but for those who aren’t familiar with you and your books, can you tell us a little about yourself?

An only child, I delved into books at an early age. I learned about kindred spirits from Anne of Green Gables, solved mysteries with Nancy Drew, and wished I could have been the rider on The Black Stallion. Yet even though I escaped often into story worlds, I had many aunts, uncles and cousins around me on weekends. My sense of family and relationships began there. Maybe that’s why families are a strong theme in my novels, whether romances or mysteries, along with couples finding true love.

I like to use different settings to give books a unique sparkle. Many of my first releases were set around my home town in Pennsylvania. Over 80 books later, I now enjoy settings like Northern Arizona, New Mexico and Wyoming where the landscape can become as integral to the plot as another character. There is something about canyons, mountains and the ocean that give me a sense of awe and I like to bring that to my romances as well as mysteries.

Readers often ask me about my pastimes. I have herb, flower and vegetable gardens that help me relax. In the winter, I cook rather than garden! And year round I spend most of my time with my husband, as well as my three cats who are my constant companions. They chase rainbows from sun catchers, reminding me life isn’t all about work, awards and Bestseller lists. Everyone needs that rainbow to chase.

I love to interact with readers. My website is the portal to my latest news, releases and social media feeds at It’s like a treasure map with new surprises to reveal at each click. For day to day chatting, search Karen Rose Smith Author on Facebook and tweet with me on Twitter @karenrosesmith. My blog discusses whatever is uppermost in my mind at I hope each and every one of my books brings you reading pleasure and warm feelings to surround your heart.

I like to use different settings in my books, too. AZ, NM and WY are on my bucket list. Now, the blog is yours, Karen. Take it away.


Her Sister Latest ThumbnailWhen I wrote HER SISTER, I knew it was a departure from the type of book I usually write. It’s women’s fiction with romance and mystery. But is it really so different? One element that has always characterized my romances is family relationships. Whether I’m writing the ultimate romance or adding a mystery or suspense plot, family trumps all.

There are many reasons for that. Although I was an only child, my extended family was large. My parents and I lived with my grandfather and aunt until I was five and then my parents built a house next door. I ran between the houses as if they were both “home.” On summer mornings I can remember my aunt singing while she made breakfast. When I was home sick from school, I stayed with my aunt and my grandfather until my parents returned home.

My paternal grandfather’s house was located on a corner lot. My neighborhood friends and I had the run of both properties to skate around, to ride bikes around, to pretend and imagine and create scenarios that we brought to life, whether it was a western script or simply a family one. Sundays were usually spent with relatives at my grandfather’s house next door. Decades-old elms cascaded over park benches where my aunts and uncles would sit and talk. My dad had nine brothers and sisters, so someone was always coming and going, bringing food, cooking food, laughing and enjoying a glass of wine. My favorite cousin became a confidante as we grew older into teenage crushes, discussed favorite music and even wrote a script together.

On my mom’s side of the family, I had seven aunts and uncles. They were scattered a bit more so I didn’t see them as often. But every Friday evening my parents and I would drive to my maternal grandparents’ house to pick up fresh food my grandmother had purchased for my mom at the farmers’ market. They lived in a row house across the alley from the market. My grandfather’s barber shop was on the first floor. The living room was on the second floor but we hardly ever used it because around the huge dining room table was where all the conversation swirled. On those Sundays we weren’t visiting with family next door, we drove to my maternal grandparents’ house for supper. This was life. Everyone was connected.

I’ve lost my parents and all of my aunts and uncles. With those losses, memories become even more precious. In HER SISTER, I drew on memories of my uncle’s farm where my dad and another uncle worked, too, raising tobacco. I remember going out into the tobacco field with them on a flatbed trailer being pulled by a tractor. I helped push the tobacco leaves onto lathes before they were hung in the barn. I can still remember the sun on my face, the smells of harvesting, the enjoyment of feeling free on that farm. In HER SISTER, this was Amanda’s background. One summer she shared it with Max when they fell in love.

So to write this book, I analyzed what happened when a family fell apart because their three-year-old was abducted. Then I imagined what could happen as they found their way back to each other in the midst of another crisis.

After writing for twenty years, last year I sold a mystery series. I found the genre fit perfectly and I love the challenge of devising puzzle pieces that fit together to weave a story. So in HER SISTER, I decided to combine everything I like best about writing–an emotional plot with romance and mystery.

I hope you enjoy it, too.

Buy links:

HER SISTER Paperback on Amazon

HER SISTER Kindle Edition on Amazon

HER SISTER Audiobook on Amazon

HER SISTER on Barnes and Noble

To learn more about Karen and her books:


Karen Rose Smith’s romance website

Karen Rose Smith’s mystery website

Karen’s Facebook Author Page

Karen’s Twitter Page

Karen, I’ve been a fan for many years. Thanks again for spending this time with me and my readers. I can’t wait to read Her Sister.


Guest blog – USA Today best-selling author Karen Rose Smith — 6 Comments

  1. Hi, Karen! You’re a new-to-me author, so I’m glad to find you here on Margery’s blog! Love the premise of Her Sister, and I agree – putting family at the heart of any story automatically ups the ante for me. Good luck with the book!!!

  2. Hi, everyone! I want to thank Margery for having me here today. I always love the chance to interact with readers.

    Kristina–Thanks for commenting. I look for new authors to discover to read and I’m glad you found me! HER SISTER is my first women’s fiction novel.

    D’Ann–Her Sister has much less romance than I usually write. It was a challenge and fulfilling for me to put family at the center. Another book in the SEARCH FOR LOVE series ALWAYS DEVOTED is about half mystery and half romance. I do like mixing them.

  3. Hi, Karen,

    In answer to your question, “yes,” if I’ve read and enjoyed several of an author’s books, and they try their hand at a new genre, I’ll read the book. Your book, “Her Sister,” seems to tug at all of our emotions.

  4. Angela–that’s great to know! I’m trying my hand at cozy mystery with a touch of romance with Staged To Death in December. My sleuth is a home stager who takes in stray animals, is from a large Italian family and loves to cook! Thanks for stopping by.