Written in the Stars – Sherill Bodine/Patricia Rosemoor (and a giveaway)

Sherrill Bodine Author Photo NEWI’m excited to welcome Sherill Bodine to my blog today to tell us a little about herself and her book, Written in the Stars, a reincarnation romance co-authored with Patricia Rosemoor. Here’s Sherill’s bio:

Sherrill Bodine is an author, fashionista, and world traveler. She has published over a dozen romance novels, co-wrote a comic book, and was a contributing columnist to the Chicago Sun-Times. She currently resides in Chicago where she frequents fashion shows and charity galas with her longtime Prince Charming. For more, visit www.SherrillBodine.com or follow @SherrillBodine on twitter.

The blog is yours, Sherill. Take it away.

WHERE DO YOU GET ALL YOUR IDEAS FOR BOOKS? ……….When asked this question (usually by non-writers) I always smile and reply, “You’d be surprised at the idea running through my mind right now about this place and everyone here. But please don’t worry, I always change the names in my books to protect the guilty. The innocent don’t need protecting.”

This is all true of course – life inspires me – but I confess my travels around the world are a wonderful stimulant to my creativity! A trip to Egypt and a cruise on the Nile River brought to life, NIGHT OF THE NILE – the South China Sea beckoned and I started writing SINGAPORE FLING while visiting there.

Certainly my many visits to London and the English countryside inspired my six Regency novels for Fawcett and it very definitely colored every page of my newest book for Entangled Publishing, WRITTEN IN THE STARS. Although set in Elizabethan England, not the Regency period, Elizabeth and Will’s epic love story brings the reader the sights, sounds and smells of my years of traveling through enchanting England – exploring ruins and castles alike – spending countless days at museums from Land’s End to the Isle of Skye – and generally soaking up the sense of history which permeates the air for me.

Written-In-The-StarsIn WRITTEN IN THE STARS, I bring to life the historical portion of the story – a love so powerful one lifetime was not enough – and my co-author, Patricia Rosemoor, wrote the contemporary portion with my Elizabethan journal entries connecting this tale of reincarnation, danger and destiny.

To keep the ideas coming, I continue to travel whenever I can make it happen. Next: a quick two day visit to London and then on to Romania for a wedding. I can’t wait to discover what story the dark and mysterious Carpathian Mountains will whisper to me. Please stay tuned!

Thanks so much for spending this time with me today.

Sherill is also generously offering a piece of vintage jewelry to one lucky commenter. Be sure to leave your email address in the comment to be included in the drawing.

Written in the Stars is available for pre-order now on Amazon




Written in the Stars – Sherill Bodine/Patricia Rosemoor (and a giveaway) — 3 Comments

  1. Written in the Stars sounds like my kind of book. I am looking forward to reading. Great post. 😉