
Isn’t it the best feeling ever to know you have to rip apart your book AGAIN and try to put it back together? :wall: ::she says sarcastically::

I thought I had it. I really did. I was more than half way through the book that’s been requested and I still haven’t finished. I’d be done in two or three weeks. No problem. And then it hit – block:shocked: After stewing about it for days and days, I realized why. I didn’t have my hero’s GMC nailed. Where was his angst, his pain? You guessed it, he didn’t have any. He was too happy, too content with his life. The kiss of death for a romance hero.

So it’s back to the beginning – yet again. Cutting, slashing, revising, more cutting, rewriting. But I will get this right eventually, hopefully in this decade.

Has this happened to you? Have you had to completely trash and rewrite?


Did you all spri-i-i-ng forward this morning? This year, we’re putting the clocks ahead three weeks earlier than usual so that we’re matching the US dates. I’m not complaning. :bananadance: The earlier the better, imo. I’ll gladly give up one hour of sleep today to get an extra hour of daylight every evening for the next eight months or so – hmm… Now if only Mother Nature would deal with the snow that’s still up past my knees, we could get to real spring:yes:

Lost in cyberspace

The email gods are out to get me :hissyfit:

For the past three days, I haven’t been able to get email from one of the loops I’m on. This wouldn’t be a big deal, except that these ladies as much a part of my morning routine as brushing my teeth.

I’m lost. How did I ever survive without email before computers? What did I do while I drank my morning tea when I didn’t have an in box to check?

Does anyone else have this problem? How do you get through an email drought?

Are you smarter than a 5th grader?

Are they kidding?

This week, I’ve been watching this new quiz show hosted by Jeff Foxworthy. Where did they find these contestants? What were the qualifying criteria – must not be able to multiple 5×2?

Yes, I admit it. I got stumped a couple of times, too, the most embarrassing of which is that 1 tablespoon = 3 tsp. :wall:I’ve always thought 2 tsp=1 tbsp. Obviously I’m wrong, but at least that might explain why my attempts at baking often don’t work out exactly as planned.:loser:

Have any of you been watching? What questions stumped you?

Move over, Tom

Tom Cruise might have been the best fighter pilot, but guess who is the Top Gun in her local pool league? Yep, me :yes:

It’s a silly award really, and I don’t agree with how the stats are calculated, but hey, it’s not up to me. And if they want to treat me like a celebrity for a few days and give me a shirt that says Top Gun, who am I to refuse?

And that does give me and Tommy something in common …:love:

There’s a mouse in our house

Sound like the title of a Dr. Seuss book? I wish it was! But no, we have a mouse! Not the cute kind like in cartoons, but a destructive little rodent who’s driving us crazy. And what’s worse is that this is the second one is as many months. How they’re getting in, I don’t know, but I wish they’d find somewhere else to set up housekeeping.

We bought little green pellets that were supposed to poison them and make them disintegrate. We bought mouse traps and laced them with peanut butter. We bought sticky things to trap them. Nothing worked. These are MENSA mice! Far too smart for us.

So this morning, in my semi-conscious state when I first get out of bed, I’m heading to my office with my tea, and what do I find. A dead mouse right in the doorway, :shocked: as if he’d been planted there to make sure I saw him.

The question is – what killed him? Where’s Grissom and the CSI team when I need them? The mystery shall remain unsolved, but as long as that’s the end of the mice in my house, I’ll be happy.

Although my husband told me when I woke him up to dispose of the mouse – you don’t really think I’d do it, do you? 😆 – that it didn’t look like the mouse he saw.


The battle rages on

Horoscope for today:

Your heart wants one thing in your life right this very minute, :heart:

Who are they kidding? One thing??? I have to only want ONE thing???

but your head knows that it might not happen for a while.

Oh, yeah. I know that only too well. But I’m not getting any younger. I’m running out of time. :wall:

The battle between your impatient side and your pragmatic side will rage on today, with little (if any) resolution.

No wonder I’m exhausted most of the time with all that fighting going on inside me every day.

This tension could cause you to lash out at people who try to push your buttons.

Who, me? :no:

It may serve them right

Well, of course it does :yes:

but if you add to the animosity, you aren’t really doing yourself any favors.

Don’t they know nagging can work wonders? :whip:

What about you? Are you the patient type, or do you want what you want when you want it?