Natalie Damschroder, “A Kiss of Revenge” and a giveaway

NJDamschroder2colorwebI’m thrilled to welcome fellow Entangled Ignite author Natalie Damschroder to my blog today. The blog is yours, Natalie. Take it away!

Thank you so much, Margery, for hosting me today!

This week is the release of my 15th published novel, A Kiss of Revenge. And let me tell you, this book has had a long journey to publication! It started as an action-adventure with a very unusual romance, was contracted by two publishers (both of whom closed before they really opened), and had at least three major revisions (cutting characters and subplots and really focusing the story) before Entangled Ignite picked it up. We kicked up the romance even more, but the book is still a bit unusual in that the hero doesn’t have a point of view.

Don’t get me wrong, you’ll get puh-lenty of Griff, and there will be no doubt what he wants and why. He plays a major role in Reese’s quest for vengeance. But that quest stays in Reese’s viewpoint all the way. I think it provides a different level of tension that makes Reese’s difficult choices more relatable.

Much like A Kiss of Revenge has evolved over time, so has my approach to POV, and so has the industry’s. Romances used to be completely in the heroine’s point of view all the time. When authors started delving into the minds and hearts of their heroes, readers embraced the concept with extreme love. 🙂 Then came chick lit and a surge of young adult, and suddenly, first-person point of view was the rage.

I confess, I started out a “traditionalist.” My first nine books were half hero, half heroine. Then I wrote A Kiss of Revenge. After that, I wrote Fight or Flight, which also doesn’t have the hero’s point of view (he might be working with the bad guys!!!) but it does have the daughter’s, with a secondary romance.

Somewhere along the line, I started writing a book that couldn’t be written in anything but first person. I’d never done that before, and I didn’t even like to read it much. (I’ve since adapted, though don’t hand me a book written in present tense—I find those very difficult to get into!) But every author has a book (or many) that has to be told a certain way. The Color of Courage is a superhero story where the superheroes are regular people with regular problems (like getting dumped and struggling to pay the rent) as well as their extraordinary challenges. And you know what? I had so much fun writing that book!

It’s still the only one I’ve done in first person. But I have others with a single point of view that are almost like being in first person, and some that are back to the traditional hero/heroine balance (like February’s romantic adventure, Hearts Under Siege. That balance is still my top choice, though I continue to enjoy exploring stories they way they decide they need to be told.

So what do you like best? First or third person, one point of view, two, or many? Leave a comment, and don’t forget to enter the giveaway!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

KissOfRevenge500About the Book
Marriage is completely over-rated, especially after Reese Templeton’s quadratic failure. She’d rather settle down to a solitary life of owning a bakery—after she tracks down the man responsible for her husband’s death and making her a human Taser full of enough electricity to short out a city block or send a man into cardiac arrest with just one kiss.

But alluring P.I. Griffin Chase is stirring up those feelings of need again. Only this time, her desire to be in his arms has nothing to do with her fear of loneliness and everything to do with the current charging through her body every time he looks at her…touches her.

Griffin hasn’t remained at Reese’s side just because of the spark that has nothing to do with her super-human talents. He’s willing to compromise his rock-solid principles so she can find closure. But before they can move on, he must help her catch her late husband’s killer, staying on track before she has a chance to exact her revenge. Because leading Reese to jail in handcuffs may just break his heart for the final time.

A Kiss of Revenge
by Natalie J. Damschroder
Romantic Adventure/Romantic Suspense
Entangled Ignite, 2013
ISBN 13: 9781622662067

Purchase From:

Barnes and Noble
Diesel eBooks


About the Author
I grew up in Massachusetts, and love the New England Patriots more than anything. (Except my family. And writing and reading. And popcorn.) When I’m not writing romantic adventure for Carina Press and paranormal romance for Entangled Publishing, I do freelance editing and work part time as a chiropractic assistant. My husband and I have two daughters I’ve dubbed “the anti-teenagers,” one of whom is also a novelist. (The other one prefers math. Smart kid. Practical.) You can learn more about me and my books at

“On with the Show” with Linda Carroll-Bradd

casualPlease help me welcome Linda Carroll-Bradd to my blog today.

Thanks for visiting, Linda. First, can you tell us a little about yourself?

As a young girl, I was often found lying on my bed reading about fascinating characters having exciting adventures in places far away and in other time periods. In later years, I read and then started writing romances and achieved my first publication–a confession magazine story. Married with 4 adult children and 2 granddaughters, I now am a fulltime freelance editor and author of heartwarming contemporary and historical stories with a touch of humor from my home in the southern California mountains.

Linda, you sound like me, although I was a lot older before I started writing. Coming home is something we can all identify with, so take it away!

One of the themes explored in my Thanksgiving-themed novella, On With The Show, is that of coming home. To me, this is a theme that can occur at different stages in an individual’s life, each with separate circumstances. So many variations are possible, and each has the potential for adding tension and drama to the story line.

In this sweet romance, I created a character who left behind her small Texas hometown for the big city life in Houston to pursue college and then her career in fashion design. Years spent establishing her name and style have left Franzi Mueller with little time for a social life. She understood the sacrifice the first couple of years after college but six years of only the occasional night spent in a man’s company are starting to wear on her. Seems like everyone around her is having more fun than she is. On top of that, she’s become too aware of supplier difficulties, tighter deadlines, and a particular new, more enthusiastic designer who has her eye on Franzi’s job.

For the past decade, Franzi has sequestered herself on the family’s sheep farm during her week-long visit. Her excuse is the need to assist her mother and aunt with the preparations for the musical show the ladies perform at the local veterans’ hospital on the holiday. But she’s really avoiding Dietz Reinhardt, the high school boyfriend she left behind. Part of her is rampantly curious about him, but the other part doesn’t want to confront what his life may have become…without her. Up to this point, she’s avoided seeing him, even if she’s not really proud of that fact.

One aspect of coming home, even if for a weekend, is that you have to adjust to other people’s schedules and submit yourself, and subsequently, your life, to scrutiny. On the train ride to central Texas, Franzi anticipates the rest and relaxation she normally enjoys on the farm. And what a haven of peace the land and animals mean to her. Freedom Valley is where her family has lived for decades, generations, and will always be her true home. When she’s there, this is the greatest place on earth.

Franzi is used to living on her own (well, sharing an apartment with a roommate), making decisions worth hundreds of thousands of dollars, tracking trends emerging from the fashion centers around the globe. She’s used to being in control. This trip, Franzi’s preferences aren’t of prime importance. Her mother has jumped into the role of matchmaker and pushes Franzi and Dietz together at every opportunity.

Also, when you go back to the family home, you go back to being under your parents’ roof. Either in your old room or on the fold-out couch in the den, you are in the same place where all your young dreams were wished and imagined. You can’t help but reflect on how similar or different those dreams might be. You also are put face-to-face with your personal history and your parents’ expectations—whether they are the type of parents who voice these expectations or not.

A tough element of coming home is the question rolling around in her mind: was leaving this small town a mistake? Do my professional achievements outweigh what I may have gained personally? Because she’d started the trip disgruntled with her career, she immediately spots all the good aspects of life in Freedom Valley.

Exploring this theme pits the character against herself in that she questions where she is in life and has to take a hard look at her choices. At six years into a career, is she at the place where she’d thought she’d be after year three? Friends from high school are married and starting families. Will that happen for her? At some point in our lives, we all grapple with the act of coming home and I hope I’ve provided a relatable face to this universal situation.

Here’s a peek at the story:


Every Thanksgiving, Franzi Mueller returns to her hometown, Freedom Valley, to help with a musical show put on at the veteran’s hospital. After a decade of living in Houston, Franzi starts feeling nostalgic for the sense of community of her small Texas town. Too bad Mama has decided to play matchmaker and keeps pushing together Franzi and her ex-high school beau, Dietz Reinhardt. Local hardware store owner Dietz can see that her big city clothing designer job has worn Franzi down and he’s doing what he can to ease her load. Circumstances throw them together at every turn, and every glance and each touch ignites the old sparks. Can Franzi find what her creative spirit needs in Freedom Valley? Is time running out on this second chance for Dietz to win over her heart?


An excerpt from the book

“Closing in five minutes.”

That deep voice she remembered so well. A quick glance told her not much had changed in the store’s decor. A little bit of everything and not much of anything. She forced a smile and strode to the wooden counter on the platform that stood half a foot higher than the floor. The man who’d spoken had his back to the door, a broad back that stretched the black t-shirt imprinted with Reinhardt’s Hardware, family owned since 1854. A fact the Reinhardt family was immensely proud of, but the crux of the reason she and Dietz had gone their separate ways. “Hello, Dietz.”

“Franziska Mueller…to what do I owe this pleasure?”

The smile on his lips didn’t reach his blue eyes. A fact she knew was totally her fault. “I just came in on the westbound train for my Thanksgiving visit and nobody was there to meet me. Erich Bruno happened by and he was driving me out to the ranch when he had to respond to a call.” Again, she sounded pathetic. Inside her coat pockets, both hands drew into fists. God, facing him one-on-one was harder than she’d thought it would be. “Can I use your phone?”

“Pay phone’s outside the door.”

Her body tightened. “What is with this town and pay phones?” She paced a couple steps and back. “Normally, I’d use my cell but the battery needs charging. I don’t have coins for a call.” Could she sound any more unprepared for life?

“So, you’re askin’ for a favor?” A black eyebrow arched over crystal blue eyes and he leaned an elbow on the counter. “Is that what I’m hearing?”

ON WITH THE SHOW is available here:
All Romance
Barnes & Noble

You can learn more about Linda and her books here:

Anyone leaving a comment on Margery’s blog today will be entered into a drawing for a copy of On With The Show, your choice of format.

Thanks so much for spending this time with me, Linda. Best of luck with ON WITH THE SHOW!

Spotlight: To Sin with a Viking by Michelle Willingham



Title: To Sin with a Viking
Author: Michelle Willingham
Genre: Historical romance






Caragh Ó Brannon defended herself bravely when the enemy landed—only, now she finds herself alone with one very angry Viking….

Styr Hardrata sailed to Ireland intending to trade, never expecting to find himself held captive in chains by a beautiful Irish maiden.

The fiercely handsome warrior both terrifies and allures Caragh, but he is forbidden territory. He is the enemy…and he is married. Yet Styr harbors a secret that just might set them both free….

Forbidden Vikings

Resist them if you can!

Buy links:

     Amazon     Barnes&Noble     iBooks     Kobo

Right now, A Wish to Build a Dream on, a time travel novella by Michelle Willingham is FREE!! on Amazon, Kobo, B&N and iBooks. Get your copy now!

Guest post – Joanne Myers

my photo apr 2011Please help me welcome author Joanne Myers to my blog today. Joanne is the author of Wicked Intentions, a collection of short stories.

Welcome, Joanne. First, can you tell us a little about yourself?

I hail from the famous Hocking Hills region of southeastern Ohio. I have worked in the blue-collar industry most of my life. Besides having several novels under my belt, I also canvas paint.

When not busy with hobbies or working outside the home, I spend time with relatives, my dogs Jasmine and Scooter, and volunteer my time within the community. I am a member of the Hocking Hills Arts and Craftsmen Association, The Hocking County Historical Society and Museum, and the Hocking Hills Regional Welcome Center. I believe in family values and following your dreams.

It sounds like you’re a busy woman, Joanne. I’m so glad you found time to join me today. Now, the blog is yours. Take it away!


For as long as I can remember, I have had an artistic flair-whether that be for writing, painting, sewing or drawing. I recall as a child how much I enjoyed drawing. The writing came later. My seventh grade English teacher was Mrs. Henderson-a young mother and wife. She gave us a writing assignment and after gifting me with an A+ told me I should consider writing as a career. She meant as a journalist. I did not take her advice and become a journalist (one of my many misgivings). My mind went toward other things as many young girls dream of-a husband, home, and family of my own. I put my love for writing and painting on hold for years. I unfortunately married a man who like my mother never encouraged me to be artistic. It was not until my children were grown and I no longer had a husband, that I went back to my first love-art. I got a late start, but always encouraged my children and others to partake of artistic endeavors. I now have six books under contract with two publishing houses. So my words to you all, is that no matter what road you choose, never forget your passion, and always keep it close to heart. Don’t let anyone or anything stop you from enjoying your natural talents. You might need to put art on a temporary hold, but never give up.

WickedIntentionsJMWICKED INTENTIONS (includes):

BLOOD TIES- word count 15, 902
After the mysterious disappearance of twenty-six-year-old wife and mother Lisa Smalley, her twin, Attorney Audra Roper, begins having dark and disturbing visions of Lisa’s disappearance. Trying to survive while looking for Lisa, Audra’s life becomes a roller coaster of risks, heartbreak, and intrigue.

THE HAUNTING OF BARB MARIE- word count 9,845
Even as a child, Barb Marie saw dead people. This took an unhealthy toll on her throughout her childhood and young adulthood.

SUMMER WIND-word count 13,039
When twenty-nine-year-old Ginger discovers the old mansion Summer Wind, she is mysteriously drawn to it. Immediately, the hauntings have a negative and profound effect on the family.

THE TRUTH BEHIND THE LIES-laying the Norfolk ghost to rest
Solving the brutal murder of American born Ruthie Geil becomes a gauntlet of attacks and more murders for Federal Police Inspector Ian Christian. Between the victim’s family, ex-lovers, and ghostly occurrences on Norfolk Island, the killer is closer than anyone realizes.

THE LEGEND OF LAKE MANOR-word count 8,297
For the young psychic Cassandra Lopez, coming to the infamous and haunted mansion Lake Manor, was more like a mission.

THE APARTMENT-word count 5,188
When young newlyweds Bill and Gayle move into their new apartment, their lives are plagued with sightings of evil ghosts that threaten their marriage and lives.

DARK VISIONS-word count 5,170
When Carrie Reynolds starts having nightmares on her twenty-sixth birthday, she believes her “dark visions” can solve the twenty-year-old disappearance of her father.

Buy links for Wicked Intentions:
Melange Books

To learn more about Joanne and her books, visit her website, her blog and her profile on Smashwords.

Spotlight Saturday – Loving the Earl by Sharon Cullen

Welcome to Spotlight Saturday, a new feature on my blog. Each week, I’ll spotlight a book that I’ve either read and enjoyed or is in my TBR pile.



Title:       Loving the Earl
Author:   Sharon Cullen
Genre:   Historical romance





In Sharon Cullen’s sizzling novel of scandal and seduction, a headstrong beauty is pursued across Europe by London’s most notorious rake.

Having vowed never to wed again, widowed viscountess Claire Hartford is about to do the unthinkable: travel unaccompanied across the continent in search of a lover. Her adventure begins sooner than expected, when she meets a magnificent cloaked stranger on her ship’s gangplank. He is Lord Blythe, a man whispered about in London’s ballrooms and drawing rooms, a scandalous rogue hell-bent on seduction.

Nathan Ferguson curses the day he agreed to look out for his best friend’s wayward sister. The charismatic earl is traveling to Paris to uncover the truth behind his father’s death, but his desire for Claire threatens to be his undoing. From France to Italy, on a journey of passionate discovery and danger, Nathan is honor-bound to protect her—from himself most of all. What can he offer Claire? Only love, as he sets out to prove to the woman of his dreams that she belongs to him—body, heart, and soul.

 Advance praise for Loving the Earl

“Loving the Earl is charming and fast-paced. It’s filled with passion, intrigue, a resourceful heroine you’ll love, and a delicious hero you’ll fall in love with. An absolute delight!”—New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Jacquie D’Alessandro

“Sharon Cullen is a natural-born storyteller. Her twists and turns will keep you turning the pages.”—Margo Maguire, bestselling author of The Highlander’s Desire

“With its bad-boy hero and spunky heroine, Sharon Cullen’s Loving the Earl is sure to please readers looking for more than the typical Regency come-out story. Intrigue and romance fuse seamlessly in this adventurous romp that takes the reader from Dover to Paris to Venice and finally to a sigh-worthy happily ever after.”—Shana Galen, author of True Spies


Lord Blythe leaned halfway out of the carriage to grab the door and slam it shut before he lurched to the opposite seat and collapsed into it, his chest heaving, his glare ominous.

Several heartbeats of silence passed. Claire began to fidget until she finally blurted out, “I told you I was going to escape.”

“That you did. You didn’t tell me you were going to render Marchant’s servant unconscious in the process.”

She looked away and chewed on her lip for a moment. “I thought he was you.”

Blythe barked out a laugh and ran a hand through his hair. “I have that to be thankful for at least.”

She narrowed her eyes at him. “You left me locked in a room in a brothel. What did you expect me to do?”

“What any sensible woman would do. Stay there until I came to fetch you.”

Her back teeth came together and fiery anger snapped through her. “So I was to bide my time until you saw fit to finish gambling?”


“I am not your luggage, my lord. I don’t sit in a closet until you decide you need me.”

He raised an eyebrow. “I put you there to keep you safe and that was not a brothel. That was Marchant’s residence.”

“You could have fooled me.”

He leaned forward. “And what would you know about brothels, my lady?”

Buy links:     Amazon     Barnes & Noble     Random House

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Author bio:

Sharon Cullen is the author of the historical romance, THE NOTORIOUS LADY ANNE, LOVING THE EARL, and PLEASING THE PIRATE (available February 2014). She’s also published in romantic suspense, paranormal romance and contemporary romance.

Her other job descriptions include chauffer, laundress, cook and mediator to her three very busy kids, her husband and two dogs. She lives in southwest Ohio with her brood although her dream is to someday retire to St. Maarten and live on the beach.
If you’d like to find out more about Sharon and her books, you can visit her website. She’s addicted to social networking so you can find her on Facebook, Tumblr and Twitter. Friend her! Like her! Follow her! She’d love to hang out with you and talk about her passion—books.

Friendship and Family, with Virginia Kelly (with Rafflecopter giveaway)

VirginiaKelly I’m excited to have my new friend and fellow Entangled Ignite author Virginia Kelly on my blog today. Virginia’s latest book, In the Arms of a Stranger, has just been released and is available at all major e-tailers.

Here’s a little about Virginia:

An RWA Golden Heart® finalist, Virginia Kelly’s first book was published as To the Limit and finaled in several contests such as the Holt Medallion, The Golden Quill and The Aspen Gold.

Virginia has always loved adventure novels, but romance is at the core of her stories—romance with the adrenalin rush of danger. Against the Wind, a full-length novel, and Dancing in the Dark, the prequel novella to In the Arms of a Stranger, are about dangerous men and the adventurous women willing to take a chance on them.

Traveling is a passion that came early in life. Her first airplane ride was a trip over the Andes Mountains in Peru at the ripe old age of two months. Her travels provide the settings for her novels, whether it’s a fictitious Latin American country based on Peru, the country of her birth, or Florida and the American South where she now lives.

A graduate of the University of Alabama with a master’s degree in Library Science, Virginia is an academic librarian. She tries to include a librarian in all of her books as either the heroine or as a minor character. Having taught high school and college, she has a great appreciation for teachers and often uses that as the profession for her heroines.

Welcome, Virginia. The blog is yours. Take it away!

Friendship and Family: a Novella and a Novel
As the Thanksgiving holiday approaches, most of us start thinking about friends and family and reunions. We reach out and make plans in an effort to connect over good food, memories and thanksgiving. But what about friends and family in fiction?

When I wrote IN THE ARMS OF A STRANGER, my latest release, I created characters whose backgrounds didn’t all fit into the book. Friends and family are left out for purpose of moving the story along. It’s clear that Abby Price, the heroine, has a brother and friends. We meet them, if only briefly. My hero, JP Blackmon, also has a family and friends; they just didn’t fit into the story.

As I developed JP, my ex-soldier turned CIA operative, into a full-fledged character, I had questions. Why did JP join the Army? What or who started him on that journey? The answer was a friend from his home town.

I grew curious about this friend. As I sat by my window one very rainy day, I “met” Matt Kincaid. Matt and JP were close even though Matt’s a bit older, so it was natural for JP to follow Matt into the Army. Suddenly, I had to write Matt’s story. I write romance so I had to have a heroine for Matt. Well, if JP and Matt were friends, what about JP’s family? He has two sisters. One, Janey, fit the bill perfectly. She’s had a long-time crush on Matt who was going to take her to senior prom. Problem: he was called up and had to leave. Like JP, Matt moved from the Army to the CIA. When he did come home for visits, he kept his relationship with Janey friendly. He decided that his life and job simply wouldn’t be good for her.

When Janey learns that JP is missing, she decides to confront Matt to ask if he can help her find out what’s happened. She waits for him when he returns from an overseas operation. Under normal circumstances, Matt would have explained that there was nothing he could do and would have sent her home. But fate intervened.

Remember, I’m sitting by my window watching it rain as I wrote the story. There’s a flooding rain in my characters’ hometown, too. So now, Matt and Janey are trapped together. She’s stronger and more determined than Matt ever imagined. He can’t tell her much about her missing brother, but before he knows it, he’s giving her that prom night they missed. And their long simmering attraction explodes in DANCING IN THE DARK.

IN THE ARMS OF A STRANGER completes the story arc of the question raised in DANCING IN THE DARK: what happened to JP Blackmon? In a way, the stories complete each other, complete the circle of friendship between JP and Matt.

And isn’t that what friends and family do? They allow us to get together, to rehash old stories, tell new ones, and complete the circle that is made up of family and friends. I wish you, your family and friends happy memories.

InTheArmsOfAStranger_forVirginiaIn the Arms of a Stranger

A dangerous man on the run…
Wounded and accused of treason, CIA operative JP Blackmon is on the run from his own agency and desperate to clear his name. When he finds out his old partner is dead, he’ll do anything to get to the truth…including using his partner’s widow.

Finds a vulnerable woman looking for answers…
Abby Price wanted nothing more than a family and a safe home. But her late husband kept big secrets from her—secrets that got him killed and has government agents watching her every move. And she’s started fearing for her life. The only man who can help her is a mysterious stranger who suddenly appears out of nowhere. But can she trust him?

Together they discover a passion worth dying for.
As danger stalks them at every turn, unexpected passion flares between JP and Abby. But the last thing either wants or needs is more complications. Romance? No. Way. That would involve trust—something neither is willing to do. But in the end, sharing their deadly secrets is their only hope for survival…their only hope to hold onto the love they’ve just begun to share…


“Is JP your real name?”

He smiled, and she realized she hadn’t seen one of his real smiles before. This one lit up his face, made his eyes laugh. There was devilment in the smile. “I don’t know you well enough to tell you that yet.”


The look of him, the timbre of his voice, as if he really would know her well enough to—

Her breath caught. She couldn’t look away. That well?

She wanted to frown, to be outraged. But his eyes… Good heavens, his eyes. Everything about him, from his short dark hair, to his smile, to his broad shoulders, he was all captivating male.

Instead, she laughed. It was a totally unexpected reaction. She’d never reacted to anyone the way she did to JP. If that was his name…

And what came out of her mouth next was a total surprise. “When do you think you will?”

In the Arms of a Stranger is available from Amazon
Barnes&Noble and iBooks

Thanks so much for spending this time with me, Virginia.

You can learn more about Virginia and her books here:
Website | Twitter | Facebook | Goodreads | Pinterest

Don’t forget to enter the Rafflecopter giveaway!!!

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Why should you read romance? Ask Eve Devon

Eve Devon_author photo_for Entangled use

Please help me welcome fellow Entangled Publishing author Eve Devon to my blog today. Eve’s lastest book, The Waiting Game, is available now at all major e-tailers.

Eve, the blog is yours! Take it away!

Margery, thank you for having me on your blog today. Here’s a little bit about me to introduce myself to your lovely readers:

I write sexy heroes, sassy heroines & happy ever afters…

Growing up in locations like Botswana and Venzuela gave me a taste for adventure; my love for romances began when my mother shoved one into my hands in a desperate attempt to keep me quiet during TV coverage of the Wimbledon tennis finals!

As an adult, still hooked on romance and mysteries, I worked in a library to conveniently continue consuming books by the bucketload, until realising I was destined to write contemporary romance and romantic suspense myself.

I’m now happily settled in the UK, a book-devouring, slightly melodramatic, romantic fiction-writing sassy heroine with my very own hero husband.

The Benefits of Reading Romance
by Eve Devon

There are so many great reasons to love reading romance. From picking one up to read as an escape from our super-busy, often-fraught lives to making it a treat for surviving those super-busy, often-fraught lives! Also great is that they come in a variety of genre to suit our mood.

Whether you like your romance steamy or sweet, served up with a slice of historical accuracy, or set on a spaceship bound for a distant planet, romance novels are really only about one thing: navigating a relationship.

I’ve been reading romance from the age of eleven and during the (I’d like to say two but unfortunately it’s closer to three!) decades that I’ve been reading them, I’ve come across a lot of naysayers. Some of whom have been keen to point out that reading romance leads a person to unrealistic expectations of love—that people who read them get caught up in chasing after a Happy Ever After that doesn’t exist.

Well, I think the complete opposite! I’ve yet to meet a person who has read romance from an early age who doesn’t have an extremely realistic understanding of romance, love and relationships.

Because no matter if you’re reading about cowboys in the outback, billion dollar boardroom negotiators, life and death hostage situations or bone-chilling and shape-shifting/vampire romance, the relationship between hero and heroine is never as straightforward as girl meets boy, they fall in love and live happily ever after.

These books demonstrate characters having to work hard to get their relationship. They have to overcome obstacles and learn to compromise. They have to face their flaws and then they have to open their heart and take a risk on another person. Nothing easy about any of that, right?

What you take from reading these books is the knowledge that if you want a romantic relationship to work in real life, you are required to do the same!

The human element of two people interacting and navigating their romance is the realistic part—the part I find enthralling. Any exotic setting or fictional world is just extra fun.

Writing romance is just as much fun. Discovering my hero and heroine’s reaction to each other within the situation I have placed them in is fantastically exciting and getting to share that journey with readers is incredibly rewarding.

In my debut romance The Waiting Game, the hero and heroine definitely have their fair share of obstacles to overcome in order to be together. But as they face the worst of themselves it is courage they need to show them a way forward.


Five years ago a madman stalked her. Kidnapped her. Tattooed her.

When security expert Cameron Dexter—the man Brooke Bennett once loved—appears unexpectedly at her door with terrifying news, the former musician discovers she can no longer hide from her past. After five years, her vicious kidnapper is out of prison and on the hunt—for Brooke.

Now he’s returned to complete his art.

Cam failed to protect Brooke once before. Now he’d rather die than let her be captured. With her life at stake, Cam vows to keep her hidden and safe. Brooke, however, is done with running. Unlike Cam, she wants to stand and fight. Emotions both old and new roil between them, but addressing their heated past must wait. Together they set a trap in London to catch a killer.

But they soon discover the enemy wears many faces…

And waiting is no longer an option.

Buy links:
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Where you can find me:

Thanks so much for visiting with me today, Eve. Wishing you the best of luck with The Waiting Game.